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发表日期:2007年6月13日 出处:Dorophy101 作者:十七世噶玛巴 编辑:admin 有5036位读者读过此文 【字体:


Karmapa khyeno



These teachings from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa have been edited.  Generally these teachings have been translated by Gompo-la but the teaching of the 15th June were translated by Ngodrup-la.  I have taken the framework of their words and polished them a little for the sake of grammar and fluidity of meaning and readability.  They are not to be copied or sold but are only for your personal reference for those who you do not speak English fluently and need to re-read the words so they may them ponder more deeply.



Thanks to Ven Chodrup and Chokyi for the the notes from the first two lectures and Solveig for lending me her precious computer.  All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron, so please forgive me.



May these words from His Holiness inspire and enlighten us all.


佛法演讲 之三


于印度达阑萨拉 上密院

Dharma Lecture III

4th June, 2005

Gyuto Ramoche Monastery, Sidhbari, Dharamsala,  India.



  Firstly His Holiness gave the Chenrezig oral tranmission.  The Chenrezig practice is related to love and compassion for the welfare of others.



The practice of love and compassion is primarily related to the mental attitude that comes from one’s heart.  To do things that have no benefit for others is not the practice of love and compassion.



  For beginners, ordinary people like us, it is difficult to understand the true practice of love and compassion.  Also, it is compulsory that we depend on others in order to practice love and compassion.



  Therefore, if we recite words that are charged with love and compassion then we gain the power of love and compassion derived from these words.



  From one’s own experience, we know that words have a power and an impact on us.  For example, critical and offensive words have an impact on us.  They create mental disturbance and negative emotions.  Thus, words have power.  If we recite positive words of power while thinking of their meaning this can empower us in a very special way and give us a good experience.



  In this world there are many religions.  Some have a physical image of their god but in the totality of all religious teachings they all have some kind of shape or form.



There are three methods for studying Buddhism – listening, contemplating and meditating on the teachings.  We could devote all our time to learn all that there is to learn about Buddhism but it might be more practical to pick what’s important and let this clarify one’s life.  This is very important.



  In general, every individual is unique with unique needs, which are different for everyone.  These days the world needs to create a society that is positive, peaceful, non-violent and that benefits others.  We need to rely on many methods to achieve this.



  From the Buddhist point of view, we need to develop a mind which wishes to benefit others  and there are many methods to do this.  Among these instructions and methods is the blessing of the great compassion practice of Chenrezig – like the one you received today.



 What I’ve said is not new, as those who regularly come know, but for those who have come for the first, it is good to develop the special thoughts of love and compassion.



  In order to develop Bodhichitta for the benefit of others then we must progress through seven steps. The first of these is to recognize the quality of our mother’s great kindness.  In my own life, I  understand having this proper attitude towards my own mother.  When the relationship between the mother and child is troublesome then these people may not understand what I mean.




 What is the correct concept of knowing all as being one’s mother?  It is when all sentient beings have the feeling of compassion which is like that of a mothers.  Every sentient being has been our mother at some time or another.  They also must have been our fathers too and so everyone has affected you and everyone else too.  To know and accept this belief one needs to believe in having had lives which have preceded this present life.  We have gained entry into this and each and every other life, via the vehicle of having had a mother and a father.  Yet even identical twins who look exactly alike have different intellectual make-ups.



  There are instances of people who recognize their past lives like a photocopy or remember being in their mother’s womb. So we shouldn’t doubt about the existence of former lives.



In general, it is difficult to remember our former lives or to recall each one because they are beginningless.  Think about each individual being taking their turns in being the mother to one another!



  If you look at your present day situation then it’s obvious that not every sentient beings is our present day mother and father.  We only have two, but there are various ways to classify parents.  For example, there are our parents who gave us our bodies, then there are the parents who provide for us and then there are the parents who guide us – such as our teachers.



  Therefore, due to interdependence, all beings in this world have been and are our parents.  We depend on everyone in totality and need the cooperation of all.  This view is very big and inter- connected.



  Since we derive a lot of benefit from so many known and unknown individuals in this world, we should be aware of their benefit and kindness.  This includes our own parents but this is not enough.  We must also be grateful for their efforts in bringing us up.  This doesn’t mean just recognizing the fact that we are here because of them.  These days children don’t recognize this enough.



  There are different ways of highlighting the gratitude we should have towards our parents.  For example, we should take care of our precious body which is the priceless gift for our parents.  It is pledged to us out of their love.  They want you to be happy.  Our parents, thus, are our first and best friends.  Sometimes parents have too many children and find it difficult to meet this responsibility.  These days many parents use the short cut of family planning. Having been brought into this world, if they just left us on our own then we might not survive.  Our parents have died for us over and over again.  So we should love our parents.



  Just changing the subject slightly, if we are really talking about benefiting others then how is it that we often receive harmful and disturbing causes from others?  Should we hate those who harm us?  If we all depend on others for our benefit, just as they depend on us- if we receive harm from them, should we wish to harm them in return?  Which attitude benefits most anger or loving-kindness?  If we love others, then the consequence is that we will be happy.  So it is better to develop love and compassion for others.



  We are talking about the collective kindness of all our parents and consciously creating this thought.  Sometimes however, parents are not very kind to their children nor children very kind to their parents.  This causes all kinds of trouble for the parents and/or the children.  Subsequently, the parents find it difficult to love their children .  If this continues from generation to generation then it may come that love is almost extinct in coming generations.  Love needs to be reciprocal.


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               英文笔记提供:阿尼强帕         中文翻译:噶玛噶举中国论坛翻译组Dorophy101


编辑:靖馨   来源:Dorophy101


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