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发表日期:2007年6月15日 出处:Dorophy101 作者:十七世噶玛巴 编辑:admin 有7270位读者读过此文 【字体:



Karmapa khyeno



These teachings from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa have been edited.  Generally these teachings have been translated by Gompo-la but the teaching of the 15th June were translated by Ngodrup-la.  I have taken the framework of their words and polished them a little for the sake of grammar and fluidity of meaning and readability.  They are not to be copied or sold but are only for your personal reference for those who you do not speak English fluently and need to re-read the words so they may them ponder more deeply.



Thanks to Ven Chodrup and Chokyi for the the notes from the first two lectures and Solveig for lending me her precious computer.  All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron, so please forgive me.



May these words from His Holiness inspire and enlighten us all.



佛法教授 之八



His Holiness 17th Karmapa

Dharma Lecture 8

22nd July, 2005





Through these brief words we have been given the oral transmission for practice of Avalokiteshvara, who is the embodiment of the compassion within all sentient beings.  This particular practice came from Aryadeva.  These days Avalokitsehvara is practiced in many countries but initially it took root in Tibet.  Through this practice many people have received great siddhis.  It is a very precious practice and a good way to make a dharma connection because it improves he compassion quality with our hearts.  This quality of compassion has existed since time immemorial between all people.  It makes our mind more inclined towards non-violent actions and helps all aspects of our being.



We would like all the auspicious things to happen to us.  In order to achieve this we need to think of benefiting others.  In Buddhism we talk about the concept of life after life – yet few people can tell all their past lives – even me!  I am a Buddhist but it is still difficult for me to know every past life and every future life.  If you look into history there have been many great siddhas who didn’t trust the idea of reincarnation , but after they studies and practiced they came to believe in past and future lives. 



For most of us though, it might be better to concentrate on this life. Make it pure and virtuous

Now then it will improve the quality of this life and also your future lives.  It is our duty to make life wholesome and useful for ourselves and others.



It is very important for us take proper and timely care of our present situation. If we are able to take care of now then we automatically take care of our future.



Here’s a little story:-Once there was a father and a son who owned a couple of donkeys. During a trip through the mountains the father said that he thought it would be good if they had a mule to ride.  The boy thought he’d like to ride the small donkey now but the father hit him saying that the donkey was too small to ride.



Sometimes we miss what’s happening now because we are too busy thinking about the future.  We must plan for the extra-ordinary happiness of an extra-ordinary human being, so make the most of our present situation.



We must make our life meaningful through finding the secret path, by utilizing skillful means and wisdom. We need a healthy body and mind. We need to balance the four elements because if any of are imbalanced it will cause us trouble. If the water, wind, earth or fire elements are out of balance then it will cause us trouble and create difficulties.  To have balanced healthy conditions, we need a proper path and be able to practice it over a long period of time, then it will benefit all of one’s life with lasting benefits.  We must practice the path all our life, constantly remembering it all the time.  In this way then every action will be proper, suitable and conducive to the path we are practicing.  Make an effort not to be separated from this path.  You can develop mental strength through employing skillful means and wisdom as these will make a meaningful future.



Adopt all good qualities and refrain from impure actions so that at the conclusion of our life we will have collected all the good qualities.



It is important to collect all the good and positive qualities and to get rid of all impurities. Method and wisdom are inseparable requirements so be sincere your self and for others.  It is our responsibility to gather all good qualities and to abandon impurities.  Method and wisdom must be together.  We can’t do something for others if we lack sincerity.  There are many intellectuals around with a lot of knowledge but they lack sincerity in themselves and for others.  In the case of some scientists, they have created the atom bomb through finding that atoms can be useful but have also brought the world a lot of problems.



We need TAB and SHERAB (method and wisdom) to develop a sharp, alert mind.  By remembering method and wisdom we will practice the path.



We must endeavor to take the correct and middle path.  In my last teachings I said its good to see the interests of individual students but in a big group like this, it is not possible to know each individual.  If we practice and admire the beautiful path then we can obtain peace, happiness and well-being for ourselves , society and the world.



Thank you very much.


故事上一则            下一则




英文笔记提供:阿尼强帕         中文翻译:噶玛噶举中国论坛翻译组Dorophy101


编辑:靖馨   来源:Dorophy101


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