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发表日期:2007年6月14日 出处:Dorophy101 作者:十七世噶玛巴 编辑:admin 有4524位读者读过此文 【字体:



Karmapa khyeno



These teachings from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa have been edited.  Generally these teachings have been translated by Gompo-la but the teaching of the 15th June were translated by Ngodrup-la.  I have taken the framework of their words and polished them a little for the sake of grammar and fluidity of meaning and readability.  They are not to be copied or sold but are only for your personal reference for those who you do not speak English fluently and need to re-read the words so they may them ponder more deeply.



Thanks to Ven Chodrup and Chokyi for the the notes from the first two lectures and Solveig for lending me her precious computer.  All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling Bhiksuni called Jampa Chodron, so please forgive me.



May these words from His Holiness inspire and enlighten us all.


佛法演讲  之六

2005625 星期三

于印度 达兰萨拉 西布哈利 上密院

Dharma Lecture VI

Wednesday 25 June, 2005

Gyuto Ramoche Monastery, Sidhbari, Dharamsala, India.



  Due to His great compassion the Karmapa bestowed the Chenrezig oral transmission.



  Chenrezig is the embodiment of love and compassion.  We already have within us the seeds of love and compassion both for ourself and for others. This Chenrezig transmission enhances these seeds.



The opposite to these seeds of love and compassion are the worst seeds of hatred.  If we could  them then we’d say that hatred is destructive whilst loving-kindness is beneficial.



Sometimes we receive hatred from others but if we introspect then we will see that there must have been a cause.  Here’s a little story:



In Tibet there was a great yogi called Milarepa who is respected by all schools in Tibetan Buddhism.  His story is similar to the great poet Valmiki, who in his early life was a bandit who stole from pilgrims and travellers.  He was full of anger.   One day he met a yogi (siddha) who had no valuables and tried to kill him.  However, meeting this yogi ended up being the turning point of his life.



  Milarepa in his youth had also done a lot of negative deeds.  He was born in a remote area into a very rich family.  His forefathers had migrated there and became very wealthy.  The locals, thus, disliked their success and were very jealous. 



  Milarepa had one sister and his father had died due to a serious illness when he was very young.  All the father’s wealth had fallen into his father’s brothers’s hands and as supposed to be released to Milarepa when he became old enough to be the custodian.



  There are different versions of the story and one says that when Milarepa’s mother was 27, the uncle wanted her to re-marry to his son but she dHTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied oman">  When Milarepa became old enough to look after his father’s wealth, the uncle didn’t give it.  Unfortunately Milarepa’s mother had a natural tendency to be ill at heart and couldn’t forgive the uncle.  She wanted revenge and sent Milarepa away to learn black magic.  After a lot of hardship and difficulties he became very accomplished and killed 25 people.  The people in the village became very upset and turned against him because of that.



  His Holiness said that he could understand both sides and see why they both had malicious spite towards each other but there was one major difference between the uncle and Milarepa.  The uncle continued to bear his spite but Milarepa out his great regret for killing so many people had forsaken his spite against his uncle.  He took the path of Dharma and undertook the practice of receiving and developing loving kindness to all beings so that his tendency to spite was completely over come.



  His mother was already dead and his sister who was also afflicted by poverty had no reason to bear malice.  Since Milarepa had overcome his tendency towards malice, the uncle’s atitude also declined.



  As time passed by they too understood why Milarepa had done what he had done.  With great remorse he purified his misdeeds and underwent the difficulties of practising the Dharma.



  One day, his aunt came to beg for forgiveness.  On the day that she came Milarepa was giving a teaching.  She could be seen coming from a distance and so a discussion ensued as to whether she should be let in or not.



Milarepa’s sister said that because she had caused so much torture, she’d leave if the aunt was allowed to come in. 



Again, there are many versions to this tale but one says that Milarepa responded to his sister’s kindness by saying if she had any reservations that he’d agree with her and not let the aunt come in. Then on second thoughts and from the point of view of the dharma, he chose not to abandon his aunt or any sentient being, whether a close relative or an enemy but to look upon all beings, including his aunt, equally.



  So he let her in but he didn’t see her face to face.  He spoke to her indirectly through a screen.  At first, he spoke very harshly reminding her of when he and his sister had no food that she never came and offered any food nor claim to be their aunt.




When Milarepa said these words she felt intense remorse and repented and due to the power of her deep regret she later became one of Milarepa’s most outstanding disciples.



  The punch line here is that even if someone has been very hateful towards you, it is in your best interests to develop patience and create some space in your hearts for others.  So, contrary to the hatred that is inflicted upon us we should develop loving kindness and compassion.  If we do this then it will help us to reduce our hatred and also the anger in the minds of others.  Loving kindness and compassion are, after all, inherent in the hearts of all sentient beings and so we must cherish this tendency.  If we are able to develop loving kindness ad compassion over an extended period of time then it will be of great benefit to oneself and others.



  However, if we continue to answer back with hatred and malice over an extended period of time then it will be very harmful and destructive.  It will harm the seeds of loving kindness and compassion.



  If a person is angry, if they are overflowing with anger, then don’t retaliate with hatred but act towards them with the motivation of benefiting them.  These are not just words but come from my own experience.



  I am a minor Dharma student.  I can’t say that I’m accomplished except only in a small and  limited way have I realized the benefit of practicing the Dharma.



  When I experience anger then I understand how external factors seem to provoke anger but really it is better to laugh at the external factors for trying to make me angry then I am not overcome by anger and these external factors.  I try not to give too much importance to anger and external factors.



  If we are not free of our angry nature then we should try to recognize it and then stop it whenever it comes up.  It is best to stop it but if we can’t then we should try to rectify the situation as soon as possible.  Try not to keep it for any length or duration in our mind streams otherwise it will harm our constitution.



  We should know that the seeds of anger also arise mutually in ourselves at the same time as it does in others.  It is not only just the other person who is always inciting the anger in us and who is at fault for causing anger to arise in us.  If you can keep compassion in your heart over a long time then it will be very beneficial.


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英文笔记提供:阿尼强帕         中文翻译:噶玛噶举中国论坛翻译组Dorophy101


编辑:靖馨   来源:Dorophy101


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